











from gameplay import valid

class Board:
    def __init__(self, board_data):
        self.board_data = board_data

    def print(self):
        """ Print a board, with letters and numbers as guides """
        print("  " + " ".join(map(chr, range(ord('A'), ord('D') + 1))))
        for (x,y) in zip(range(1,9), self.board_data):
            print(str(x) + ' ' + self.to_circle(" ".join(y)))
        print("Black = %d, White = %d" % self.score())

        # For fun, here is a one-line board printer, without the
        # row and column labels
        # print "\n".join(["".join(x) for x in board])

    def to_circle(self, str):
        return str.replace('W', '◯').replace('B', '●')

    def score(self):
        """ returns the current score for the board as a tuple
            containing # of black pieces, # of white pieces """
        black = white = 0
        for row in self.board_data:
            for square in row:
                if (square == "B"):
                    black = black + 1
                elif (square == "W"):
                    white = white + 1
        return (black, white)

    def valid_positions(self, player):
        moves = []
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(4):
                if valid(self.board_data, player.color, (i, j)):
                    moves.append((i, j))
        return moves

    def flattend_data(self):
        return [flatten for inner in self.board_data for flatten in inner]

    def color_of_more(self):
        res = self.score()

        if res[0] > res[1]:
            return 'B'
        elif res[0] < res[1]:
            return 'W'
            return ''



import random
import time
from copy import deepcopy

from board import Board
from gameplay import newBoard, valid, doMove

class Organizer:
    def __init__(self, show_board=True, show_result=True, nplay=1, stat=100):
        self._show_board = show_board
        self._show_result = show_result
        self._nplay = nplay
        self._stat = stat

    def play_game(self, player1, player2, verbose=False, t=128):
        """ Takes as input two functions p1 and p2 (each of which
            calculates a next move given a board and player color),
            and returns either a tuple containing the score for black,
            score for white, and final board (for a normal game ending)
            or a tuple containing the final score for black, final score
            for white, and the  invalid move (for a game that ends with
            and invalid move """

        # p1 = player1.nextMove
        # p2 = player2.nextMove

        p1 = player1
        p2 = player2

        player1_win_count = 0
        player2_win_count = 0
        draw_count = 0

        for i in range(0, self._nplay):
            (p2, p1) = (p1, p2)

            board = Board(newBoard())
            p1time = t
            p2time = t
            p1realTime = t * 2  # gives a little extra time to each player
            p2realTime = t * 2

            while not self.game_over(board.board_data):
                tmpBoard = deepcopy(board.board_data)
                t1 = time.time()
                nextMove = p1.nextMove(tmpBoard, p1.color, p1time)
                t2 = time.time()
                p1time = p1time - (t2 - t1)
                p1realTime = p1realTime - (t2 - t1)
                # if p1time < 0:
                if (p1realTime < 0):
                    if p1.color == "B":
                        return (0, 16, board.board_data, "Timeout")
                        return (16, 0, board.board_data, "Timeout")
                if valid(board.board_data, p1.color, nextMove):
                    doMove(board.board_data, p1.color, nextMove)
                    if p1.color == "B":
                        return (0, 16, board.board_data, "Bad Move: %s" % str(nextMove))
                        return (16, 0, board.board_data, "Bad Move: %s" % str(nextMove))

                # p1.getGameResult(board.board_data, game_ended=self.game_over(board.board_data))

                (p1, p2) = (p2, p1)
                (p1time, p2time) = (p2time, p1time)
                (p1realTime, p2realTime) = (p2realTime, p1realTime)

            # res = score(board) + (board,)

            if self._show_board:

            res = board.score()

            if res[0] > res[1]:
                player1_win_count += 1
            elif res[0] < res[1]:
                player2_win_count += 1
                draw_count += 1

            if self._nplay > 1 and i % self._stat == 0:
                print("Win count, player1(%s): %d, player2(%s): %d, draw: %d" % (player1.name, player1_win_count, player2.name, player2_win_count, draw_count))

        if self._nplay > 1:
            print("Win count, player1(%s): %d, player2(%s): %d, draw: %d" % (
                player1.name, player1_win_count, player2.name, player2_win_count, draw_count))

        # print(player1._q)

    def print_winner(self, winner, loser, winner_count, loser_count):
        if self._show_result:
            if winner_count == loser_count:
                print("TIE %s, %s, (%d to %d)" % (winner, loser, winner_count, loser_count))
                print("%s Wins %s Loses (%d to %d)" % (winner, loser, winner_count, loser_count))

    def game_over(self, board_data):
        """ return true if the game is over, that is, no valid moves """
        return valid(board_data, "B", 'pass') and valid(board_data, "W", 'pass')



import random
from gameplay import valid

class RandomPlayer:

    def __init__(self, color):
        self.color = color
        self.name = 'random'

    def nextMove(self, board, color, time):
        moves = []
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(4):
                if valid(board, color, (i,j)):
        if len(moves) == 0:
            return "pass"
        bestMove = moves[random.randint(0,len(moves) - 1)]
        return bestMove

    def nextMoveR(self, board, color, time):
        return self.nextMove(board, color, time)

    def getGameResult(self, board_data, game_ended=False):




from copy import deepcopy

import gameplay
from board import Board

class MinmaxPlayer:
    INF = float('inf')

    def __init__(self, color):
        self.color = color
        self.name = 'minmax'

    def nextMove(self, board, color, time):
        if gameplay.valid(board, color, 'pass'):
            return "pass"
        depth = 3
        # if time <= 170 and time > 100:
        #     depth = 5
        # if time <= 100 and time > 50:
        #     depth = 4
        # if time <= 50 and time > 20:
        #     depth = 3
        # if time <= 20 and time > 5:
        #     depth = 2
        # if time <= 5:
        #     depth = 1

        (move, value) = self.max_val(board, -self.INF, self.INF, depth, color)
        return move

    def get_valid_positions(self):
        moves = []
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(4):
                if gameplay.valid(self._board, self._color, (i, j)):
                    moves.append((i, j))
        return moves

    def get_successors_list(self, positions):
        if self._color == 'B':
            idx = 0
        elif self._color == 'W':
            idx = 1

        successors_list = []
        before_score = gameplay.score(self._board)

        for position in positions:
            newBoard = deepcopy(self._board)
            gameplay.doMove(newBoard, self._color, position)
            after_score = gameplay.score(newBoard)
            gain = after_score[idx] - before_score[idx] - 1
            successors_list.append((position, newBoard, gain))

            # Board().print(newBoard)
        return successors_list

    def get_best_positions(self, successors_list):
        max_gain = 0
        best_positions = []

        for (move, state, gain) in successors_list:
            if max_gain < gain:
                max_gain = gain

        for (move, state, gain) in successors_list:
            if gain == max_gain:

        return best_positions

    ### state in this program is always a "board"
    ### Check if the state is the end
    def endState(self, state):
        # TODO DRYにしたい
        return gameplay.valid(state, "B", 'pass') and gameplay.valid(state, "W", 'pass')

    def max_val(self, state, alpha, beta, depth, color, reversed=False):
        if self.endState(state):
            return None, self.utility(state, color)
        elif depth == 0:
            return None, self.evaluation(state, color)
        best = None
        v = -self.INF
        if not reversed:
            moves = self.successors(state, color)
            moves = self.successors(state, gameplay.opponent(color))
        for (move, state) in moves:
            value = self.min_val(state, alpha, beta, depth - 1, color, reversed)[1]
            if best is None or value > v:
                best = move
                v = value
            if v >= beta:
                return best, v
            alpha = max(alpha, v)
        return best, v

    def min_val(self, state, alpha, beta, depth, color, reversed=False):
        if self.endState(state):
            return None, self.utility(state, color)
        elif depth == 0:
            return None, self.evaluation(state, color)
        best = None
        v = self.INF
        if not reversed:
            moves = self.successors(state, gameplay.opponent(color))
            moves = self.successors(state, color)
        for (move, state) in moves:
            value = self.max_val(state, alpha, beta, depth - 1, color, reversed)[1]
            if best is None or value < v:
                best = move
                v = value
            if alpha >= v:
                return best, v
            beta = min(beta, v)
        return best, v

    ### Generate all the possible moves and
    ### the new state related with the move
    def successors(self, state, color):
        successors_list = []
        moves = []
        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(4):
                if gameplay.valid(state, color, (i, j)):
                    moves.append((i, j))
        for moves in moves:
            newBoard = deepcopy(state)
            gameplay.doMove(newBoard, color, moves)
            successors_list.append((moves, newBoard))
        return successors_list

    def utility(self, state, color):
        board = Board(state)
        answer = 0
        if board.score()[0] == board.score()[1]:
            answer = 0
        elif board.score()[0] < board.score()[1] and color == "W":
            answer = self.INF
        elif board.score()[0] > board.score()[1] and color == "B":
            answer = self.INF
            answer = -self.INF
        return answer

    ### Implementation of Positional Strategy
    def evaluation(self, state, color):
        result = 0
        # 8x8
        # weight = [[99,-8,8,6,6,8,-8,99],[-8,-24,-4,-3,-3,-4,-24,-8],
        # [8,-4,7,4,4,7,-4,8],[6,-3,4,0,0,4,-3,6],
        # [6,-3,4,0,0,4,-3,6],[8,-4,7,4,4,7,-4,8],
        # [-8,-24,-4,-3,-3,-4,-24,-8],[99,-8,8,6,6,8,-8,99]]

        # 4x4
        weight = [
            [2, 1, 1, 2],
            [1, 1, 1, 1],
            [1, 1, 1, 1],
            [2, 1, 1, 2],

        for i in range(4):
            for j in range(4):
                if state[i][j] == color:
                    result += weight[i][j]
                if state[i][j] == gameplay.opponent(color):
                    result -= weight[i][j]

        #if reversed:
        #    result = -result

        return result

    def getGameResult(self, board_data, game_ended=False):



import random
from copy import deepcopy

import gameplay
from board import Board
from player.random_player import RandomPlayer

class QlearningPlayer:
    INF = float('inf')
    DEFAULT_E = 0.2
    INITIAL_Q = 1  # default 1

    def __init__(self, color, e=DEFAULT_E, alpha=0.3):
        self.color = color
        self.name = 'ql'
        self._e = e
        self._alpha = alpha
        self._gamma = 0.9
        self._total_game_count = 0
        self._q = {}
        self._last_board = None
        self._last_move = None

    def nextMove(self, board, color, _):
        return self.policy(board, color)

    def policy(self, board_data, color):
        self._last_board = Board(board_data.copy())
        board = Board(board_data)
        positions = board.valid_positions(self)

        if len(positions) == 0:
            return "pass"

        # for debug
        # if self._total_game_count > 1000 and self._total_game_count % 100 == 0:
        #     print(self._total_game_count)

        # ゲーム回数が少ない間は、ある程度の確率で打ち手をランダムにする
        if random.random() < (self._e / (self._total_game_count // 10000 + 1)):
            move = random.choice(positions)
            qs = []
            for position in positions:
                qs.append(self.get_q(tuple(self._last_board.flattend_data()), position))

            # for debug
            # if self._total_game_count > 9000 and self._total_game_count % 300 == 0:
            #     # print(positions)
            #     print(qs)

            max_q = max(qs)

            if qs.count(max_q) > 1:
                # more than 1 best option; choose among them randomly
                best_options = [i for i in range(len(positions)) if qs[i] == max_q]
                i = random.choice(best_options)
                i = qs.index(max_q)
            move = positions[i]

        self._last_move = move
        return move

    def get_q(self, state, act):
        # encourage exploration; "optimistic" 1.0 initial values
        if self._q.get((state, act)) is None:
            self._q[(state, act)] = self.INITIAL_Q
        return self._q.get((state, act))

    # def getGameResult(self, board_data, game_ended=False):
    def getGameResult(self, board_data):
        board = Board(board_data[:])

        # 相手のターン行動後のQ値を取得するための処理
        tmp_player = RandomPlayer(gameplay.opponent(self.color))
        vp = board.valid_positions(tmp_player)
        if len(vp) != 0:
            gameplay.doMove(board.board_data, gameplay.opponent(self.color), random.choice(vp))
        game_ended = gameplay.valid(board_data, "B", 'pass') and gameplay.valid(board_data, "W", 'pass')

        reward = 0
        if game_ended:
            color = board.color_of_more()

            if color == self.color:
                reward = 1
            elif color == '':
                reward = 0
            elif color != self.color:
                reward = -1

        self.learn(self._last_board, self._last_move, reward, board, game_ended)

        if not game_ended:
            self._total_game_count += 1
            self._last_move = None
            self._last_board = None

    def learn(self, s, a, r, fs, game_ended):

        flattend_data = s.flattend_data()
        pQ = self.get_q(tuple(flattend_data), a)

        # 相手のターン行動後のQ値を取得するための処理
        # tmp_player = RandomPlayer(gameplay.opponent(self.color))
        # vp = fs.valid_positions(tmp_player)
        # if len(vp) != 0:
        #     gameplay.doMove(fs.board_data, gameplay.opponent(self.color), random.choice(vp))

        list = []
        for position in fs.valid_positions(self):
            list.append(self.get_q(tuple(fs.flattend_data()), position))

        # print(list)

        if game_ended or len(list) == 0:
            max_q_new = 0
            max_q_new = max(list)
        self._q[(tuple(flattend_data), a)] = pQ + self._alpha * ((r + self._gamma * max_q_new) - pQ)

    def change_to_battle_mode(self):
        self._e = 0



import argparse

def opponent(x):
    """ Given a string representing a color (must be either "B" or "W"),
        return the opposing color """
    if x == "b" or x == "B" or x == '●':
        return "W"
    elif x == "w" or x == "W" or x == '◯':
        return "B"
        return "."

def validMove(board, color, pos):
    """ Given a 2D array representing a board, a string
        representing a color, and a tuple representing a
        position, return true if the position is a valid
        move for the color """
    if board[pos[0]][pos[1]] != '.':
        return False
    for i in range(-1, 2):
        for j in range(-1, 2):
            if i != 0 or j != 0:
                if canFlip(board, color, pos, (i,j)):
                    return True
    return False

def valid(board, color, move):
    """ Given a 2D array representing a board, a string
        representing a color, and either a tuple representing a
        position or the string "pass", return true if the move
        is a valid for the color """
    if move == "pass":
        for i in range(0,4):
            for j in range(0,4):
                if validMove(board, color, (i,j)):
                    return False
        return True
        return validMove(board, color, move)

def validPos(x,y):
    """ Return true of the (x,y) position is within the board """
    return x >= 0 and x < 4 and y >= 0 and y < 4

def doFlip(board, color, pos, direction):
    """ Given a 2D array representing a board, a color, a position
        to move to, and a tuple representing a direction ( (-1,0)
        for up, (-1,1) for up and to the right, (0,1) for to the right,
        and so on), flip all the pieces in the direction until a
        piece of the same color is found """
    currX = pos[0] + direction[0]
    currY = pos[1] + direction[1]
    while board[currX][currY] == opponent(color):
        board[currX][currY] = color
        (currX, currY) = (currX + direction[0], currY + direction[1])        

def doMove(board, color, pos):
    """ Given a 2D array representing a board, a color, and a position,
        implement the move on the board.  Note that the move is assumed
        to be valid """
    if pos != "pass":
        if validMove(board, color, pos):
            board[pos[0]][pos[1]] = color
            for i in range(-1, 2):
                for j in range(-1, 2):
                    if i != 0 or j != 0:
                        if canFlip(board, color, pos, (i,j)):
                            doFlip(board, color, pos, (i,j))

def canFlip(board, color, pos, direction):
    """ Given a 2D array representing a board, a color, a position
        to move to, and a tuple representing a direction ( (-1,0)
        for up, (-1,1) for up and to the right, (0,1) for to the right,
        and so on), determine if there is a sequence of opponent pieces,
        followed by a color piece, that would allow a flip in this direction
        from this position, if a color piece is placed at pos """
    currX = pos[0] + direction[0]
    currY = pos[1] + direction[1]
    if not validPos(currX,currY):
        return False
    if board[currX][currY] != opponent(color):
        return False
    while True:
        (currX, currY) = (currX + direction[0], currY + direction[1])
        if not validPos(currX, currY):
            return False
        if board[currX][currY] == color:
            return True
        if board[currX][currY] == '.':
            return False

def newBoard():
    """ Create a new board:  2D array of strings:
        'B' for black, 'W' for white, and '.' for empty """
    result = []
    for i in range(1):
        result = result + [["."]*4]
    result = result + [["."] * 1 + ["W","B"] + ["."] * 1]
    result = result + [["."] * 1 + ["B","W"] + ["."] * 1]
    for i in range(1):
        result = result + [["."]*4]
    return result

def get_player_instance(player_str, color):
    from player.random_player import RandomPlayer
    from player.minmax_player import MinmaxPlayer
    from player.qlearning_player import QlearningPlayer

    if player_str == 'random':
        return RandomPlayer(color)
    elif player_str == 'minmax':
        return MinmaxPlayer(color)
    elif player_str == 'ql':
        return QlearningPlayer(color)
        return RandomPlayer(color)

##options: -r is reversed game; -v is verbose (print board & time after each move)
##  -t is a time to play (other than the default)
if __name__ == "__main__":
    verbose = False
    clockTime = 320.0
    reversed = ""

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--p1', default='ql', type=str)
    parser.add_argument('--p2', default='random', type=str)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    p1 = get_player_instance(args.p1, 'B')
    p2 = get_player_instance(args.p2, 'W')

    from organizer import Organizer
    organizer = Organizer(nplay=1000, show_board=False, show_result=False)
    # organizer = Organizer()
    organizer.play_game(p1, p2, verbose, clockTime)

ランダム vs ランダム




$ python gameplay.py --p1 random --p2 random
Win count, player1(random): 0, player2(random): 1, draw: 0
Win count, player1(random): 46, player2(random): 49, draw: 6
Win count, player1(random): 91, player2(random): 94, draw: 16
Win count, player1(random): 126, player2(random): 148, draw: 27
Win count, player1(random): 168, player2(random): 196, draw: 37
Win count, player1(random): 215, player2(random): 242, draw: 44
Win count, player1(random): 262, player2(random): 282, draw: 57
Win count, player1(random): 306, player2(random): 326, draw: 69
Win count, player1(random): 353, player2(random): 368, draw: 80
Win count, player1(random): 398, player2(random): 413, draw: 90
Win count, player1(random): 446, player2(random): 458, draw: 96

竜王ミニマックス vs ランダム



$ python gameplay.py --p1 minmax --p2 random
Win count, player1(minmax): 1, player2(random): 0, draw: 0
Win count, player1(minmax): 91, player2(random): 7, draw: 3
Win count, player1(minmax): 176, player2(random): 13, draw: 12
Win count, player1(minmax): 268, player2(random): 19, draw: 14
Win count, player1(minmax): 356, player2(random): 29, draw: 16
Win count, player1(minmax): 444, player2(random): 38, draw: 19
Win count, player1(minmax): 533, player2(random): 45, draw: 23
Win count, player1(minmax): 620, player2(random): 56, draw: 25
Win count, player1(minmax): 711, player2(random): 61, draw: 29
Win count, player1(minmax): 799, player2(random): 65, draw: 37
Win count, player1(minmax): 886, player2(random): 74, draw: 40

Q学習 vs 竜王ミニマックス



    from organizer import Organizer
    organizer = Organizer(nplay=100000, show_board=False, show_result=False)
    # organizer = Organizer()
    organizer.play_game(p1, p2, verbose, clockTime)

    # 学習済みのQ-Learningプレイヤーで再度戦わせる
    organizer = Organizer(nplay=300, show_board=False, show_result=False)
    from player.minmax_player import MinmaxPlayer
    p2 = MinmaxPlayer('W')
    organizer.play_game(p1, p2, verbose, clock



$ python gameplay.py --p1 ql --p2 ql


Win count, player1(ql): 43562, player2(ql): 43230, draw: 9509
Win count, player1(ql): 43612, player2(ql): 43274, draw: 9515
Win count, player1(ql): 43650, player2(ql): 43324, draw: 9527
Win count, player1(ql): 43699, player2(ql): 43369, draw: 9533
Win count, player1(ql): 43738, player2(ql): 43423, draw: 9540
Win count, player1(ql): 43786, player2(ql): 43467, draw: 9548
Win count, player1(ql): 43827, player2(ql): 43512, draw: 9562
Win count, player1(ql): 43875, player2(ql): 43558, draw: 9568
Win count, player1(ql): 43919, player2(ql): 43599, draw: 9583
Win count, player1(ql): 43959, player2(ql): 43647, draw: 9595
Win count, player1(ql): 44002, player2(ql): 43690, draw: 9609
Win count, player1(ql): 44042, player2(ql): 43741, draw: 9618
Win count, player1(ql): 44083, player2(ql): 43791, draw: 9627
Win count, player1(ql): 44129, player2(ql): 43836, draw: 9636
Win count, player1(ql): 44183, player2(ql): 43875, draw: 9643
Win count, player1(ql): 44228, player2(ql): 43920, draw: 9653
Win count, player1(ql): 44280, player2(ql): 43963, draw: 9658
Win count, player1(ql): 44327, player2(ql): 44007, draw: 9667
Win count, player1(ql): 44376, player2(ql): 44049, draw: 9676
Win count, player1(ql): 44417, player2(ql): 44098, draw: 9686
Win count, player1(ql): 44463, player2(ql): 44139, draw: 9699
Win count, player1(ql): 44511, player2(ql): 44180, draw: 9710
Win count, player1(ql): 44551, player2(ql): 44228, draw: 9722
Win count, player1(ql): 44597, player2(ql): 44274, draw: 9730
Win count, player1(ql): 44640, player2(ql): 44323, draw: 9738
Win count, player1(ql): 44681, player2(ql): 44370, draw: 9750
Win count, player1(ql): 44719, player2(ql): 44421, draw: 9761
Win count, player1(ql): 44771, player2(ql): 44460, draw: 9770
Win count, player1(ql): 44811, player2(ql): 44509, draw: 9781
Win count, player1(ql): 44854, player2(ql): 44556, draw: 9791
Win count, player1(ql): 44900, player2(ql): 44604, draw: 9797
Win count, player1(ql): 44942, player2(ql): 44653, draw: 9806
Win count, player1(ql): 44988, player2(ql): 44700, draw: 9813
Win count, player1(ql): 45034, player2(ql): 44746, draw: 9821
Win count, player1(ql): 45073, player2(ql): 44799, draw: 9829
Win count, player1(ql): 45116, player2(ql): 44849, draw: 9836
Win count, player1(ql): 45156, player2(ql): 44893, draw: 9852
Win count, player1(ql): 45204, player2(ql): 44934, draw: 9862

Win count, player1(ql): 0, player2(minmax): 1, draw: 0
Win count, player1(ql): 24, player2(minmax): 73, draw: 4
Win count, player1(ql): 55, player2(minmax): 139, draw: 7
Win count, player1(ql): 85, player2(minmax): 205, draw: 10


